Tag Archives: .Injury

Deciding How Old You Want Yourself To Be [Ep. 68]

Jenny Quezada Ghiglia (59) has taught dance & fitness at Pierce College for 35 years and had two daughters and three knee surgeries over that time. Needless to say she has a lot of experience to share regarding her longevity.

Lessons On Life-Affirmation [Ep.61]

Delphine French has more afflictions than most people can remember (Lupus, Arthritis, Gastroenteritis, etc.) but that has not stopped her from being a positive force.


Turning Physical Activity Into A Game [Ep.55]

David Brothers (28) talks about his approach to exercise following a severe cycling accident and also his practical methods towards self-motivation & improving his performance.

Personal Evolution After 2 Torn Achilles [Ep.50]

Ricky Lawson II (age 31) talks about his journey in Capoeira and how he dealt with having torn each achilles tendon at separate times.


Fight Training w/ Half of a Left Foot [Ep.40]


Karim Phelps (30) nearly lost his left foot when he was hit by a car. Despite the doctors telling him he’d never again walk unassisted, he taught himself to do just that so he could continue training & grappling at a high level.

EDIT: Episode was removed on request, which sucks because it was a damn good episode. SIGH.

Exercising To Manage ADD/ADHD [Ep.36]

William Batson (30) uses exercise to improve his control over attention deficit disorder, giving him the discipline & routine necessary to function successfully while facing obstacles in daily life.

First Time Running A Full Marathon [Ep.32]

Jacqueline Beaulieu has been running for most of her life but suffered a serious setback from a car accident. She spent over 3 years rehabilitating and decided to tackle her first full marathon in 2012.

Beating Bone Cancer at 30 [Ep.28]

Jason Gruspe was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in 2008 and has undergone six surgeries and 22 months of chemo (and counting). However, that has not stopped him from working out every day and playing sports on the weekends.

Running 100-Mile Races with Rheumatoid Arthritis [Ep.26]

Summer Wesson was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis as a child and was told she would never be able to run, lift, or do much of physical anything. She decided to kick that systemic autoimmune disease in its stupid face and became an ultramarathon runner. She’s run and completed two 100-mile marathons to date and shows no signs of slowing down.


Staying Forever Young [Ep.9]

Pablo Porras (Age 32, B-Boy & Martial Artist) talks about his daily martial arts training and why he continues to train so much. Also Sam and Larry do V-Ups for the hell of it.