Category Archives: News

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MDY was a weekly fitness show that ran from 2011-2013. The reasons for its current hiatus:

  1. In the beginning I decided to do weekly shows for as long as I could hack it and ultimately there was nothing else to do or say that wasn’t done to death. Good fitness advice is always the same proven ideas.
  2. For months I had several people lined up for interviews who never made time to meet despite how flexible I made the arrangements.
  3. I had hundreds of subscribers and only a few dozen viewers with each new episode which meant most of those subs were likely bots.

Despite all that it was clearly a fun time as an experiment. Met a lot of great people, had some big laughs, learned some inspiring things. Also it’s not like I’m ever stopping with fitness so I might throw up a new video now and again. I make the occasional post on Instagram.


Five days later and we’re caught up with the times. I guess.


The Cast & Characters

Ingvar is a Scandinavian bear who grew up in Canada and at some point became a Buddhist monk. He’s real mellow and thinks everyone should like, get along, man.

Karuna is Larry’s roommate and appears on the show regularly. She’s a big hippie and lives an extremely dramatic life.

Larry created the show when he was real high on weightlifting and interviewing people.

And sometimes he looks like this.

Ricardo helped contribute a bunch when the show was just getting started and for that we will forever be grateful, even if he could never sit through one of his own segments.

Sam is an old training buddy of Larry’s who has a tendency to completely fall off the grid from time to time. Known for his signature abs and working 80 hours a week.

Wolfe is mildly congested and generally uncertain about decision making. Nice guy though, always dresses well and is persistently raising the roof.

Wyoming is a Tyrannosaurus who was allegedly born and raised in Wyoming. He has a permanent lisp and can’t see his arms.