Tag Archives: .Martial arts

Tumbling & Tricking compilations 2005-09

Chimp Capoeira archival video

Video compilations from my Capoeira website that ran from 1998-2003, featuring the students of Capoeira Mandinga in Berkeley, CA.

Checking Your Ambition & Setting A Good Example [Ep.75]

Jamal Klug (28) discusses how the potential of his hereditary hugeness has shaped his fitness goals.

Why Getting Older Isn’t So Bad [Ep.69]

With the most important moral (OF ALL TIME) at the end.

10 Years of Los Luchas: Hard Work & Tradition [Ep.63]

Zokre & Phoenix Star are the tag team Los Luchas and have celebrated ten years together as pro wrestlers. They share some surprising differences and unsurprising similarities in their training, diets, advice and more.


Lessons On Life-Affirmation [Ep.61]

Delphine French has more afflictions than most people can remember (Lupus, Arthritis, Gastroenteritis, etc.) but that has not stopped her from being a positive force.


Personal Evolution After 2 Torn Achilles [Ep.50]

Ricky Lawson II (age 31) talks about his journey in Capoeira and how he dealt with having torn each achilles tendon at separate times.


Sega Superstars Virtua Fighter Review – Move Damn You Gaiden

Why am I re-reviewing an 8 year old EyeToy game? No idea.

Advice for Self-Teaching Acrobatics & Tricks [Ep.47]

Larry talks about two simple but often overlooked things that will greatly improve your acrobatic training. Also a funny story about learning a butterfly twist.

Fight Training w/ Half of a Left Foot [Ep.40]


Karim Phelps (30) nearly lost his left foot when he was hit by a car. Despite the doctors telling him he’d never again walk unassisted, he taught himself to do just that so he could continue training & grappling at a high level.

EDIT: Episode was removed on request, which sucks because it was a damn good episode. SIGH.